Cholestrol Abnormalities

Abnormal cholesterol is a very common problem and is associated with heart disease and stroke. Cholesterol in the body comes from two main sources; the diet and that which is made in the liver from assembling other fats. Your total cholesterol is made up of three main molecular structures: HDL (good cholesterol); LDL (bad cholesterol) and trigylcerides (the fat molecule which is increased by the carbohydrates in your diet). An abnormal cholesterol panel may include a high LDL, high triglycerides, or a low HDL. An abnormal cholesterol level is often a complex problem secondary to not only diet or your genetic make up but also related to medications and other diseases you have.

Many studies have shown a clear benefit of lowering of LDL cholesterol in the prevention of heart disease. This is especially important in people who have diabetes, where the targets are more aggressive.

At the Center for Endocrine Health, we will first evaluate an abnormal cholesterol panel for secondary causes, such as thyroid disease, prediabetes or diabetes. Exact targets for each component will vary from patient to patient, and depend on other risk factors for heart disease which may or may not be present. Having established these targets, we will work with you to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke by making important lifestyle changes, as well as making use of specific cholesterol lowering medications.